Robert in Tibet

 Thanks for visiting Robert's exhibition.   If you would like to leave a comment please do so in the box below.

Responses via emails.


Thanks for Robert's photos of Tibet.  Unsurprisingly, they strongly reminded me of Nepal.  Also, I saw many, very many, Tibetan refugees and exiles  there.  Particularly in Pokhara.  My ex-partner and his husband went to Bhutan and their photos are also similar.

Ray Lightbown. (Thialand)


A big thank you to Rob and to you David, for sharing these splendid photos and commentaries! How lucky you are, we are... cheers to all; keep well

Christaine Merz. (France)


Yet another amazing collection of images of a very different area and culture. My only ever visit to Asia was in 1973, when I took my laser equipment I worked on for my PhD (under Brian Scott) to Tokyo. The sights there bore only a passing resemblance to those you have shown.

Brian Bakewell. (England)


  1. Wow, many thanks Rob and David'sgallery for sharing this tremendous trip! Rob, your eyes and heart must be full of grand landscapes, the smiles of people, the long and tormented history of Tibet; you certainly captured the natural beauty and the calm spirituality of the people... even when the signs of modernity are visible ;


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